Capital Recovery Service™ (CRS)

Options to Quickly Recover Funds Spent on Essential Infrastructure

Option 1: Infrastructure Utility Service™

SP pays to convert currently owned infrastructure assets into a utility service. Customers recapture their funds to use on other mission critical initiatives while SP takes ownership of assets and then charges a monthly usage fee. Customers maintain full access and control of the assets. The monthly usage payment is off balance sheet.

SP partners with our customers regarding maintenance and upgrades for the assets to keep them safe, reliable, and performing.

Option 2: Revenue Share Repayment

SP provides a cash rights fee to customers, for use at their complete discretion, which is paid back over time from a percentage of a revenue stream without impacting the balance sheet.

Using GASB 60, the CRS is a Service Concession Arrangement in which the rights fee SP pays is a deferred revenue transaction that is prorated as the customer performs the right-to-use obligation. Customers maintain ownership of their assets while also benefiting from much needed recuperation of funds.

Unique Key Features

  • Quickly return the cash trapped inside your infrastructure

  • Simple, public agency friendly agreements

  • Flexibility to terminate without penalties

  • Additional funds as needed to cover maintenance, upgrades, or modernization

  • Customized – base usage on a measurable attribute that varies with your revenue

Using GASB 60, you can retain complete ownership, or GASB 87 as a non-collateralized service that SP owns.

This is a clear liquidity option for municipalities, authorities, schools, and healthcare.

SP invests in infrastructure with a mandate to keep it reliable, safe, and efficient in a manner that protects taxpayers and the institutions that serve them. Without impacting your use or control, we assume many of the ownership responsibilities of the essential infrastructure.

When assets are in a state of good repair or modernized, significant cost savings are achieved as old, unreliable, and costly situations are efficiently eliminated.

Why Choose Us?

SP is a clear alternative to traditional purchase or public works procurement with RFPs, Financing, Bonding, Contracting, PPPs, Leases, EPCs, and Shared Savings agreements.